The Silver Comet Commissioner Corps is a diverse group of volunteers who ensure that all members of the Boy Scouts of America have an enjoyable experience by providing world class Unit Service through meaningful unit visitations, adequate Unit Commissioner coverage, effective Roundtables, and trained leadership.
"How can we help?"
Be the Heart: Scouting’s units are its heart; its success is dependent upon them; they deliver its programs to youth. Commissioners Support unit leaders in developing a safe, welcoming environment and delivering Scouting’s programs effectively. We exist to support Scouting’s heart.
Build Relationships: Commissioners must develop relationships with unit leaders we serve based on mutual respect, candor, and trust. Without that, the communication and collaboration required to effectively support units is impossible.
Change Lives: Scouting changes lives – of the youth it serves and the adults who support it (both volunteers and professionals). As they adopt Scouting’s values, they become engaged citizens who strengthen our communities, nation, and world.
What is a Unit Commissioner?
Packs, Troops and Crews are matched with Unit Commissioners in their area who serve as supporters, advocates, and advisors for the units.
Commissioners are here to help, not to tell the volunteers how to run their units.
A Unit Commissioner is a Scouting Unit's Best Friend!
More than anything, a Unit Commissioner is here to make sure that your Pack, Troop or Crew has what they need to serve the youth in your program
and succeed.
Unit Commissioners are: