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Eagle Rank Information

The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest and most prestigious achievement a Scout can achieve. Highly respected, the title of Eagle Scout carries with it special significance not only in Scouting but also in school, business and the community. To attain the Eagle rank, a Scout must earn at least 21 merit

badges, fulfill leadership roles and display outdoor skills, demonstrate by example the Scout Oath and Law, and complete a comprehensive service project in the community.



Local Eagle Project Contacts 

Ready to begin your project, but not sure which local organization to work with? Feel free to reach out to these community organizations to inquire about potential Eagle Scout Service Projects. Click the contacts name to email.

City of AcworthJeff Chase 

City of KennesawBen Southard

Cobb County ParksJohn Purcell 

Due West ElementaryRita Fullick 

Keep Cobb BeautifulTerrilyn Hannah 

Kennesaw Mountain High SchoolDr. Mark Trachtenbroit 

Kennesaw Mountain BattlefieldDonald Olds 

McKenna FarmsCassi Kaiser 

North Cobb Senior CenterKathy Lathem

Pickett's Mill State Park - John Nash 

Red Top Mountain State Park - John Nash

Smith-Gilbert GardenChristine Davis 

Before You Start Working On Your Eagle Project 


When the Eagle Project Proposal is complete and all required signatures (except District approval) have been obtained, a copy of Proposal Pages B, C, D, E, F, and G, including any photos, drawings, or sketches, and the original signature Page H, and signed Fundraising Application Page A (if applicable), should be submitted to the Silver Comet District Advancement Committee for review, additional guidance as necessary, and for the District approval signature. 


(Important Note: Project workdays may not begin prior to District approval).


Submit the completed Proposal via email to our Proposal Reviewer.  

Typical Project Proposal review takes from two to four weeks from first review by the District Advancement Committee, through the editing and updating process to the approval signature, so please plan accordingly.


If a Scout is not able to submit their Eagle Project Proposal via email, contact the District Advancement Chair.


The Eagle Boards are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Kennesaw Methodist Church, and the 3rd Thursday of each month at Hollydale United Methodist Church. 


Getting Ready for Your Eagle Board of Review


When an Eagle application is submitted by the Unit to the Council Program Center for verification, the verified and signed application is scanned, a copy is sent to the Silver Comet District Advancement Committee and the signed original is returned to the Unit.


The Silver Comet Eagle Board Coordinator will contact the Eagle candidate’s Scoutmaster and Unit Committee Chair via email, copying the Scout, in order to initiate scheduling of the candidate’s Eagle Board of Review. If the Unit has not heard from the EBOR Coordinator within 7 to 10 days of turning in an Eagle application at the Program Center, please email


What Do I Bring to My Eagle Board of Review


  1. Bring the original Eagle application signed by the Atlanta Area Council. 

  2. Bring the original and two copies of the Project Workbook with the signature pages inserted in the appropriate places. 

  3. Bring three copies of the candidate’s Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose.

  4. Bring all reference letters, unopened. The letters are retained by the District after the Board of Review and destroyed after the Candidate's Eagle credentials are issued.

  5. Bring the Scout handbook for the Board members to sign, if desired.  


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